SUNDAY 10:15 a.m.
Unstaffed Nursery is available during Sunday services
Children’s Church offered during 10:15 Service
WORSHIP is the center of our life together. TLC holds regular services throughout our church calendar. We hold special services for Lent, Holy Week, Christmas Eve, and other occasions. Communion is offered at the first and third Sundays of the month. We plan our service to follow the seasons and festivals of our church year, as established by the Revised Common Lectionary.
Our pastor preaches on the readings of the day, and all hymns and other music are carefully chosen by our Worship team to join in the proclamation of the Word.
Lay Leadership is an important part of Lutheran worship, and it is definitely a vital element in our worship. Throughout the year, people are invited to volunteer to assist in worship as greeters, ushers, worship assistants, musicians, communion assistants, acolytes, readers, choir members, communion bread bakers, Children’s Sermon presenters and many more. There are places for everyone to serve!